We provide consulting and training in ECM, Business Process Management (BPM) and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) solutions for better business process efficiency.
Information management is a pivotal aspect in ensuring business continuity and progress. While this is true, the speed of information being generated today in the many platforms and channels, overwhelms many. Sure-Reach, together with AIIM (Association of Intelligent Information Management), now brings to Asia, a Training and Consulting platform to help our clients learn the importance and concepts in managing business information better. All our trainers are certified and equipped with practical work experience and able to impart knowledge and share best practices across the globe on information management.
To complete its total Records and Information Management (TRIM) services and solutions, Sure-Reach offers training programmes from the US-based Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM) such as ECM & Business Process Management (BPM) automation services. As part of BPM, Sure-Reach also provides RPA solutions for enterprises that seek to automate manual and mundane tasks that can easily be done by robots.
Digital technology in recent years has created unprecedented volume and variation of information, with different levels of complexities across many platforms and media. While some organisations may already have some form of structured information management procedures, most are faced with challenges on proper management of unstructured information such as information in the form of emails, photos, music and even internet chats and blogs.
If not attended urgently, organisations will continue to face information chaos and disjoints, which results in potential losses of revenue, productivity and opportunities. To minimise this risk, there is then an urgent need for entities to develop an information framework strategy which harmonises the inter-section of people, processes, data, content and technology.
Sure-Reach helps equip line managers and operational employees in HR/ Admin/ Finance/ IT/ Operations/ any other pertinent roles to better manage the business information in their respective sections. This includes identifying sources of information and options of tools and services available to help improve their information management.
Through the training and upon completion and passing the certification programme, participants are then admitted as members of Sure-Reach. Members may participate in an active forum of discussions and network with professionals and peers around the globe.
Aside from training, Sure-Reach also assists organisations to setup the Information Management framework through its consulting services.
Our training programmes conducted across multiple locations and geographies is certified by the US-based Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM) established in 1943. While we focus on providing you the industry best practices across the globe in our programmes, we also emphasise on the compliance to the local statutory requirements/ regulations.
Our programmes are ideal for professionals in different roles, be it IT, business analysts, consultants, business unit managers etc. across various industries. Upon signing up our programmes, you will be given access to our professional networking platform that enables our members to get their viewpoints shared and discussed.
Our AIIM certification programmes can confer two possible levels of designation – earned by passing an online exam (Specialist level) or passing an exam and a case study paper (Master level). Mode of learning can either be done online (Specialist) or classroom setting (Specialist and Master). The course presentations and learning materials are all made accessible online.
Our programmes have been attended by over 20,000 professionals worldwide. They were provided with systematic approach to manage their roles at work. The course information is applicable across all industries and is independent of any particular technology or vendor solution.